Cambodia updates
My prayers continue to go out to the people of Haiti and the tremendous loss, especially the family of my co-worker Sam Dixon and to Clint Rabb, who was still in critical condition in Florida last I heard. I am glad to be part of a church family that has been and will continue to be actively involved together with our members in Haiti for the improvement of the country. for updates.
On the other side of the world, 2010 has started off at a sprint. The annual report is not yet done for 2009, but the planning meeting with the Social Concerns Committee was great and I've already got the first quarter of workshops scheduled in Kampong Speu with 6 churches and the district pastors' group in addition to ongoing work in Kampong Chhnang and some tentative plans in Kampong Thom. We're also getting ready to host our first volunteer team on Wednesday. I'm really excited! You can be too with a donation.
This month is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, or so I've been told. My awareness has been heightened as to the real and present danger for young Khmer women and so I wrote about some recent experiences. Thanks for reading.
I'm actually just getting back from spending the day up in Kampong Chhnang at Solang Kandal Church. We shared a bible study on leadership looking at Deborah, Esther and Ruth and made plans for a workshop the following weekend. The church members decided to hire one of the poorest women in the community to make snacks for the morning break. Of course I knew that this was the mother of the young girl who had heart surgery last summer. The church members went off in search of her so that I could meet her again. It was the real highlight of the weekend. She was smiling, her face was filled out and her color was good. Her mother reported that the
January checkup was good. She was looking more cheerful and healthy than I had ever seen her. What joy!