Four projects in Nepal with support from the UMC
The United Methodist Church is supporting projects in four of UMN's technical areas: Education, Health, PeaceBuilding and Sustainabile Livelihoods. All of these areas contribute to UMN's vision of Community Transformation that moves people from a life of poverty to fullness of life with the assistance of inputs from UMN in the form of influencing (advocacy), learning & sharing together, capacity building of key change agents, and resources for the community to implement changes. Child & Adolescent Led Community Transformation UMN and partner Christian Society Development Campaign are working with youth, their parents, schools amd churches in the village of Shyalakhadi, Rukum District to build the capacity of youth as change agents. Youth Peer Educators take the lead in stimulating discussion about key social issues identified by the community including child marriage, hygiene and environmental sanitation, school attendance and rural economic development. Parents ...