
Showing posts from May, 2010

Economic justice in Cambodia

At our Theology of Development training for pastors last week, I was overwhelmed when the pastors started connecting the concepts to small practical actions. It is so important for our pastors to have fellowship time, to study together and compare notes about what makes for effective ministry in Cambodia. Some great ideas came out about *how* to take a weekly rice offering for the poor, orphans & widows. When we talked about examples of unjust economic situations in Cambodia the pastors discussed how weddings can be a significant economic drain for poor families, yet people tend to give smaller gifts to poor families than to wealth ones (wedding gifts are always cash). Therefore, in living out our faith values on economic justice, we should strive to give an equal gift to everyone so as to reduce the hardship placed on poor families to host a wedding. It is a privilege to walk alongside as our young church is figuring out what it means live an authentic faith in *this* place. ...